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Anything But Corns

A story about corns and nothing but corns.

Author / Artist : Nicholas & Natasha Yeung (8-year-old twins) and Josef Lee



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"This was my first time co-creating a picture book with children so naturally I have to work with someone I know really well. And of course they have to be my dearest nephew and niece - a pair of 8-year-old twins Nicholas and Natasha.

"Think of an interesting character and let's make a story out of that!"

"5 evil rabbits!" replied Nicholas and Natasha, "who HATE corns!" And that was how we started the story of a farm of animals who wanted to eat Anything But Corns.

And bit by bit, we built up the story, with me posing questions along the way and them coming up with answers I'll never have thought of. Once the story was formed, the kids came up with drawings of how the animals looked like. I followed through with the same characters' designs when I did the drawings for the book, and ending with the kids doing the colouring using my iPad.

Original designs of the animals, drawn by Nicholas and Natasha

We had loads of fun working together on the story. And I realised that's what matters most to a child. NOT stories with morals or messages, but rather a story that is FUN."

- Josef Lee

Glamping with my nephew and niece - Nicholas and Natasha Yeung


ACTIVITIES TIME Colour Your Story Print out the colouring pages below and fill in your own colours for the story!

Grow Some Vegetables

Want to learn how to grow some yummy vegetables of your own AT HOME? Take a look at these two videos from NParks and learn how to grow Leafy Vegetables and Fruiting Vegetables in pots!

How to Grow Leafy Vegetables in Pots

How to Grow Fruiting Vegetables in Pots



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Proudly supported by National Arts Council, Singapore.

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